Slawomir Tumanski – Curriculum vitae 

Surname:             TUMANSKI

First name:           Slawomir

Date of birth:             1945

Nationality:                 Polish

Affiliation:         Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)

Institute of the Theory of Electrical Engineering,
Measurement and Information Systems

00-661 Warsaw, Koszykowa 75, Poland

Position:             Professor of Electrical Engineering (Electrical Measurements)

Phone:               +48 22 660 5645


E-mail priv.  


Academic record 

1970                MSc Thesis at WUT – specialization Measurements

1975                PhD Thesis at WUT :”Thin film magnetoresistive sensors of bridge circuit”

1985                DSc (habilitation) at WUT: “Methods of the analysis of the magnetoresistive
 effects in thin film Permalloy structures”

1998                Position of professor at Warsaw University of Technology

2000                Title of full professor granted by the President of Poland 



Professional recognition 

                        Editor-in-Chief of Polish scientific journal Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical review) 

                        Chairman of the Conferences Symposium on Magnetic Measurements 


Subject of research 

                        Magnetic sensors (incl. thin film MR sensors, inductive sensors, Hall sensors)

                        Industrial measurements

                        Material testing and non-destructive material evaluation

                        Magnetic measurements

                        Computer measuring systems 


Main professional achievements and awards 

                        Theory, design and technology (incl. industrial manufacturing in LUMEL factory) of AMR sensors – National Main Prize -“Master of Engineering” - 1975 

                        Design of Scanning Methods of Magnetic Fields “Magnetovision” – presented in McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology – 2000 

                        Monograph “Thin Film Magnetoresistive Sensors” , Institute of Physics Publishing IOP, Bristol, 2001

                        Award for Scientific Activity of Polish Ministry of Education, 2002 


Invited presentations on International Conferences 

                        “The Magnetovision Method as a Tool for Mapping of Magnetic Fields” – Conference on magnetic Imaging organized by UK Magnetic Society (University of Manchester 2000) 

                        “Thin film magnetoresistive sensors” : Part I – Anisotropic anf giant magnetoresistance, Part II – MR sensors, performances and applications, International Scientific School “Sensors & Applications” organized by CNRS, , Port Bail – France, 2002 

                        “Overview and Introduction in XMR-Technologies” Symposium “Magnetoresistive Sensoren” organized by SENSITEC GmbH, Wetzlar Germany, 2003


Academic Activity 

                        Lectures: Electrical Measurements, Magnetic Measurements, Industrial Measurements, Techniques of Experiments, Sensors and Transducers 

                                    Supervision of four PhD dissertations 


Scientific Activity 

                        Head of Grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Education “Scanning Method of Magnetic Fields” – 1994-1997 

                        Head of Grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Education “the magnetovision system” – 1998-2001 

                        Head of Grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Education “Methods ot testing of magnetic materials in form of a sheet” – 2001-2004


Selected publications

Monographs and Books 

1. “Industrial measurements” – Warsaw University of Technology Editing Comp. 1978, 1980 

2. “Methods of Analysis of the Magnetoresitive Effect in Thin Film Structures”, Warsaw University of Technology Editing Comp. 1986 

3. “The Permalloy Magnetoresistive Sensors” – Chapter 12 in “Current advances in sensors”, Adam Hilger, Bristol and Philadelphia, 1987 

4. "Thin Film Magnetoresistive Sensors", IOP Publ., Bristol, 2001

5. "Principles of Electrical Measurements, CRC Press, 2006

6. "Technika pomiarowa" (Technique of measurements), WNT, 2007 


Articles in Scientific Journals 

1.      W. Kwiatkowski, M. Stabrowski, S. Tumański – Numerical analysis of the shape anisotropy and anisotropy dispersion in thin film Permalloy magnetoresistors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v.19, p.2502-2505, 1983

2.      S. Tumański, M. Stabrowski  - Optimisation of the performance of a thin film Permalloy magnetoresistive sensor, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v.20, p.963-965, 1984

3.      S. Tumański – A new type of thin film magnetoresistive magnetometer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v.20, p.1720-1722, 1984

4.      W. Kwiatkowski, B. Baranowski, S. Tumański – Application of the thin film Permalloy magnetoresisitve sensors in electrical measurements, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v.20, p.966-968, 1984

5.      S. Tumański, M. Stabrowski – The optimisation and design of magnetoresistive Barber-pole sensors, Sensors and Actuators, v.7, p.285-295, 1985

6.      W. Kwiatkowski, S. Tumański – The Permalloy magnetoresistive sensors – properties and applications, Journal of Physics,E., v.19, p.502-515, 1986

7.      S. Tumański – The application of Permalloy magnetoresistive sensors for nondestructive testing of electrical steel sheets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v.75, p.266-272, 1988

8.      S. Tumański, M. Stabrowski  - Magnetovision system : new method of investigating steel sheets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v.160, p.165-166, 1996

9.      J. Kaleta, S. Tumański, J. Żebracki – Magnetoresistors as a tool for investigating the mechanical properties of ferromagnetic materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v.160, p.199-200, 1996

10.  S. Tumański, T. Winek – Measurements of the local values of electrical steel parameters, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v.174, p.185-191, 1997

11.  S. Tumański,M.Stabrowski–The magnetovision method as a tool to investigate the quality of electrical steel , Measurement Science and Technology,  v.9. p.488-495, 1998

12.  S. Tumański , B. Fryśkowski – Investigations of the magnetic anisotropy of electrical steel, Studies in Applied Electromagnetic, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, v.13, p.177-180, 1998

13.  S. Tumański, M. Stabrowski – 2D analysis of magnetic field strength in GO SiFe steel sheets, Journal de Physique, v.8, pt.II, p.579-63, 1998

14.  S. Tumański, B. Fryśkowski – New method of texture and anisotropy analysis in GO SiFe steel sheets, Journal de Physique, v.8, pt.II, p.669-73, 1998

15.  S. Tumanski – The experimental verification of the condition of the magnetic material caused by different technological processes, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 215, p. 749-752, 2000

16.  S. Tumanski – Non-destructive testing of the stress effect in electrical steel by magnetovision method, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,v.18,  p.273-276, 2000

17.  S. Tumanski, T. Bakon – Measuring system for two-dimensional testing of electrical steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 223, p. 315-325, 2001

18.  S. Tumanski – A multi-coil sensor for tangential magnetic field investigations, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 242, p. 1153-1156, 2002

19.  S. Tumanski, A. Liszka – The methods and devices for scanning of magnetic fields, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 242, p. 1253-1256, 2002

20.  S. Tumanski – Which magnetizing circuit is suitable for two-dimensional measurements, PTB Bericht, PTB-E-81, p. 151-157, 2002

21.  S. Tumanski – Investigations of two-dimensional properties of selected electrical steel samples by means of the Epstein method, PTB Bericht, PTB-E-81, p. 221-227, 2002

22.  S. Tumanski – A method of testing of the plane distribution of anisotropy, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, v.38, p. 2808-2810, 2002

23.  S. Tunmanski – Investigations of the anisotropic behaviour of SiFe steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 254, p. 50-53, 2003

24.  P. Baudouin, Y. Houbaert, S. Tumanski – Magnetic local investigation of non-oriented electrical steels after tensile deformation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 254, p. 32-35, 2003

25.  S. Tumanski – Analysis of magnetic field distribution in C-yoke system, Int. Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, v.19, p. 663-666, 2004

26. S. Tumański, W. Pluta, M. Soiński – Analysis of magnetic field distribution in the sample of RSST device, Soft Magnetic Materials 16, v.2, 859-864, 2004 (Verlag StahlEisen GmbH, ISBN 3-514-00711-X)

27. S. Tumanski – New Design of the Magnetising Circuit for 2-D testing of Electrical Steel, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2005, No 5 , pp. 32-34

28. S. Tumanski, S. Baranowski – Magnetic Sensor Array for Investigations of Magnetic Field Distribution, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 57 (2006), No. 12/S, pp.185-188

29. S. Tumanski – Induction coil sensors – a review, Measurement, Science and Technology, 2007, v.18, No.3, R31-R46

30. S. Tumański - Scanning of Magnetic Field as a Method of Investigations of the Structure of Magnetic Materials, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2007, Nr.1 , s. 108-112

31. S. Tumanski, S. Baranowski - Single strip tester of magnetic materials with array of magnetoresistive sensors, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2007, No.4, pp. 46-49

32. S. Tumanski, S. Baranowski – Analysis of heterogeneity of electrical steel, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 59 (2008), No. 7/S, pp.103-106

33. S. Baranowski, S. Tumanski, S. Zurek – Comparison of digital methods of the control of flux density, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2009, No.1, pp. 93-95

34. S. Zurek, P. Marketos, S. Tumanski, H. Patel, A. Moses – Correlation between surface magnetic field and Barkhausen noise in grain-oriented electrical steel, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2009, No.1, pp. 111-114